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journal du retour

Départ prévu Dimanche à 4h du matin, départ effectif 8h. Tous dans la pirogue, parti pour trois jours de navigation. Vous allez me dire, que faire pendant trois jours assis dans une pirogue large de 1m ? Lire un bouquin (attention de ne pas le faire tomber...

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Last article on the congolese Soil

Tomorrow I’m leaving towards Mbandaka (Main City of the Province of Equator). We should be there on Tuesday night, if we don’t have to much troubles on the river. Then Airplane to Kinshasa and on Friday night airplane to Paris via Bruxels. 3 days ago...

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please dont tell me:

“Ah Isabelle, I won’t tell you my problems because you saw way much worse...I’ll feel stupid” NO, I will want to know everything which happened in your life during this year!!! Even complains because you could not have the last Chanel’s bag which was...

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