Even in the dark...

Publié le par dcc-isadebansankusu.over-blog.com

... they know it is "mondele" = "the white" who is riding her bike. No idea how! And I tell you, if you want to know what the darkness is, either go to the desert or … to Basankusu! Even if you are in the middle of the village, you cannot see anything! 1000Km around with nobody with electricity! I was once with my broken bike (the pedal broke...congolese quality) and the battery of my lamp was dying... Fortunatly I had to go straight to come to my place! Otherwise I would have had to read the stars... which I have no clue!!! (but it is how people does here!)  

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<br /> Avant on parlait de Superman, à présent on parle de Superisabelle !!!<br /> Dans le désert ou Bansankuzu, on pense être isolé ou dans l'obscurité mais en fait il y a toujours une bonne âme qui veille à proximité. Faire du vélo la nuit doit être très amusant même avec un<br /> vélo cassé.<br /> Te lire est captivant. Tu vis une belle aventure.<br /> Bises<br /> Nathalie et Michel<br /> <br /> <br />