Preparation of an adventure like I never did

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The coordinator of the catholic schools wants to do an expedition and visit several parishes far from Basankusu.

I asked to join him in order to give all trainings I prepared to these teachers who still have come to the big city of Basankusu in their life! (training on how to teach French to kids of primary school, in math for secondary school: basic geometry, trigonometry, in physic: optic) and distribute and explain them national programs. He accepted.

It will be a trip of 500km, deep in the forest. We will need 3 weeks.

3 weeks without any electricity, phone, internet. Just nothing. He wants to go by car.

Until then nobody did it. Everybody says it is impossible. The trail is even not large enough for bikes…

Well, he said we would carry machete and hache (things to cut herbs and trees) and we will do it.

I have the impression to be in the skin of these explorators of the 15th century!

I put you a map with the parishes we will visit, if god helps us!!

We should leave the 9th of march. So my birthday will be “celebrate” on the trail! 




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<br /> Nous avons imprimé la carte pour imaginer où tu seras le jour de ton anniversaire. J'espère que la poste a bien fait son boulot et que tu recevras les graines pour tes semis. Que Dieu te garde<br /> pendant ce voyage.<br /> avec tout notre amour Papa et Maman<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> wouaaaahhh !! Trop bien, enfin bon courage pour les coups de machette<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Yes!<br /> Isa encore une fois c'est super tout ce que tu fais là-bas... C'est si loin de nos préoccupations à la c... hehehe.<br /> <br /> Bonne brousse!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Excellent<br /> tu nous fais un film dessus à ton retour!!<br /> <br /> C'est quoi le féminin d'Indiana Jones?<br /> <br /> <br />